PABA is the short form for Para-AminoBenzoic Acid. It is an antioxidant that is considered by some as a B complex vitamin and sometimes called vitamin Bx. However it is not really a vitamin, but actually, an amino acid that is part of folic acid. It can be made in the body by friendly intestinal bacteria.
Helps in the utilization of pantothenic acid.
Important for healthy skin and hair pigment.
May restore grey hair to its original color when used with inositol, folic acid, and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), if greying was due to stress or deficiency in the B vitamins.
Has been used, together with biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and sometimes vitamin E, to restore hair.
Early studies show may help treat vitiligo (loss of color or pigmentation in some areas of skin).
May prevent accumulation of abnormal fibrous tissue.
Assists the formation of red blood cells.
Acts as a coenzyme in the metabolism and utilization of protein.
Helps maintain intestinal flora.